Family can be the source of the greatest happiness we feel in this world. I love my family and I am always striving to be a blessing to them, not a burden. I know with all my heart that families can be together forever even after this life. If you want to know more, please click Eternal Families
Family is the fundamental unit of society and of God. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.


"And all of us need true friends to love us, to listen to us, to show us the way." - Henry B. Eyring
"A friend is a person who is willing to take me the way I am." - Unknown
Of course friends can be a source of happiness! Shout out to my homies in MSC and Logan Originals! Everyone needs good and true friends. Friends influence how you think and act, even help determine the person you will become. True friends support, strengthen, and encourage you in every aspect of life. They won't be afraid to council you when it is needed or be willing to help you when asked.
To have good friends, be a good friend.

"A friend is a person who is willing to take me the way I am." - Unknown
I know that friends bring great happiness. My friends have been a great support to me in my life. When I decided to change my life and do things differently, my friends were accepting, encouraging, and respectful of my feelings and desires. I love them to death and they are my closest friends.